Creating an Assistant career audit

Are you going through unexpected changes in your career? Do you strongly desire to find meaning and purpose in your work?

In a recent Practically Perfect PA Virtual Summit session, Author and Coach Angela Wilson shared a step-by-step process to help you create a career audit and discover the next steps in your professional journey.

This process will assist you in navigating unexpected changes and future-proofing your career for whatever lies ahead.

Step 1: Understanding Unexpected Change

Unexpected changes can come in various forms, such as personal loss, relationship breakdowns, health diagnoses, or professional transitions like retrenchment, resignation, or early retirement. These changes mark an ending in our lives and require us to find a new beginning. Recognise that such changes can leave you feeling lost, stuck, or overwhelmed. However, it is crucial to understand that these moments can also be significant turning points, inspiring you to seek more meaning and purpose in your career.

Step 2: Taking Stock

Take a holistic view of your life and rate different areas, including your career, love life, wellness, joy, and fun. Evaluate each area on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the least satisfying and ten being the most fulfilling. This exercise will help you clarify where you stand in each area and identify which aspects need improvement.

Step 3: Reflecting on Your Career Path

Consider your career journey as a progression towards your peak, where you step into your power, prioritise your values, and connect with meaning and purpose. Reflect on how far you have come and envision the next phase of your career. Define the length of time you want to work and explore the possibilities and opportunities.

Step 4: Uncovering Clues

Conduct a strength analysis by identifying your top three strengths—natural abilities that bring out the best in you. Additionally, perform a skills analysis by assessing the skills you have developed throughout your career. Determine which skills you enjoy using and would like to carry forward. Aligning your work with your strengths and skills can lead to a fulfilling and successful career.

CV template for Assistants

CV Template for Assistants

Craft the perfect resume for your Assistant job search.

Hard Skills for Assistant Template

 Assistant Skills to include in your CV

Use this guide to capture all of your high-level Assistant skills.

Step 5: Identifying What You Don’t Want

Take note of the aspects of your current job or career that you dislike or find unsatisfying. Write them down on one side of a list. Then, flip the list and focus on what you do want. This exercise allows you to shift your focus from the negative to the positive and build a wishlist of desirable aspects for your career.

Step 6: Exploring Meaning and Purpose

Many individuals have not spent enough time considering their meaning and purpose in life. Use this opportunity to dig deeper and discover what truly drives you—what makes you feel fulfilled, passionate, and excited to start each day. Consider what you want to contribute and the difference you want to make. Reflect on your personal values and how they align with your career aspirations.

Step 7: Overcoming Obstacles

Identify the obstacles, challenges, and limiting beliefs holding you back from pursuing an inspiring career. Recognise your inner critic, which may manifest as procrastination, perfectionism, or self-doubt. Cultivate your inner coach, the voice that guides you, encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and helps you leverage your strengths.

Step 8: Time and Priority Management

Assess your time management skills and ability to prioritise effectively. Put yourself first and ensure you are allocating time and energy to the things that truly matter to you. Remember, you are the manager of your career, and by managing yourself, your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and behaviours, you can create the desired job.

Step 9: Exploring Interests

List the activities, hobbies, and interests that bring you joy and fulfilment. Consider your past career interests and any paths left unexplored. Use this creative curiosity to uncover potential career paths or opportunities that align with your passions.

Step 10: Expanding Your Thinking

Expand your thinking by exploring alternative options and opportunities within your current career path. Look at natural progressions, niches or specialities within your field and what other industries call similar roles. Consider different working arrangements such as full-time, part-time, job sharing, or contract work. Open yourself up to new possibilities and networking opportunities.

Step 11: Setting Intentions

Set intentions that guide your goals, actions, and behaviours. Create a vision of the person you want to become, the environment you want to work in, and the impact you want to make. Align your goals with your intentions, allowing them to be a compass on your journey towards an inspiring career.

Step 12: Defining Your Values

Conduct a values audit to determine what is truly important to you personally and professionally. Your values are a blueprint for happiness and can guide your decision-making process. Ensure that your career choices align with your core values.

Step 13: Addressing Fears

Identify and acknowledge your fears, whether they relate to success or failure. Develop strategies to manage and overcome these fears, such as practising deep breathing or reframing negative thoughts. Remember that fear is a natural response to change but should not hinder you from pursuing an inspiring career.

Step 14: Trying Change On

Embrace change by taking small steps towards your desired career. Understand that discomfort is a natural part of the process as you step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Notice the positive impact of change and allow yourself to adapt and grow.

Step 15: Building Confidence

Break down confidence into three key elements: self-belief, self-assurance, and self-value. Assess each aspect and work on strengthening them. Practice positive self-talk, acknowledge your value, and build belief in your abilities. Remember that confidence grows with experience and self-development.

Step 16: Creating a Support System

Evaluate the people in your life and ensure a supportive network surrounds you. Seek out positive individuals who uplift and encourage you in your career journey. Also, assess your social media presence and ensure it promotes positivity and inspiration.

By following these steps and conducting a career audit, you can gain clarity, uncover your true passions and strengths, and set yourself on a fulfilling and meaningful career. Remember, this process is unique to you, so take the time to reflect, make adjustments, and embrace the journey towards your next chapter.

If you’re ready to accelerate your assistant job search and receive expert guidance throughout this transformative process, consider enrolling in the Accelerate your Assistant Job Search online course. This comprehensive course offers practical strategies, insider tips, and step-by-step guidance to help you confidently navigate the job market. With a supportive community and valuable resources, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions and pursue exciting career opportunities.