Ensure new members of staff hit the ground running.

Download the New Starter Checklist for Assistants

Cover letter template for Assistants

Proper onboarding is critical to setting a positive and productive work environment for all.

This super detailed checklist will help you onboard every new member of staff. The induction process for a new member of staff can be stressful not just for them but also for you.​
​So we have created this checklist to stress bust that process while at the same time making sure you cover every aspect of that tricky time when you are the fountain of all knowledge and the only friend in an unfamiliar place.

You need the checklist to get a new staff member up and running.

In this checklist, we share some best practices for onboarding new staff members that will help you and your new colleagues start on the right foot.

New Starter Checklist

Have a plan in place for onboarding new staff

Save time on this critical task for Assistants

Support new starter and help retain talent

A list of every task needed for onboarding

Status updates and responsibilities for every aspect

Assistants love the Practically Perfect PA free resources

I love all the templates. They have been used regularly and also provide inspiration to create my own!

Practically Perfect PA is a great resource for templates, researching new tools and taking online courses for anyone new or trying to brush up on certain skills.

Well thought-out and accessible courses with a mix of free resources. A great and enthusiastic community and a place where you can feel understanding and belonging, which is hard to source in an Assistant role, especially when we’re all working more remotely these days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really free?

Yes! We love sharing our years of knowledge with the Assistant community. Keep us in mind next time you have any training needs!

Why do you need my email address?

We will always keep your personal information safe. We ask for your information in exchange for this free resource and send information that may interest you by email. You can read more about our privacy policy here.