Creating more autonomy around your work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, Assistants often juggle multiple tasks and responsibilities while supporting their Executives and teams. While assisting others is essential, creating autonomy around your work and taking credit for your achievements are equally crucial.

By doing so, you can gain recognition for your contributions and develop a sense of ownership and pride in your work. This article will explore tips on creating more autonomy around your work and effectively taking credit for your achievements.

Understand your role and set goals

To create autonomy in your work, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities. Take the time to discuss your job description and expectations with your Executive or manager. If the job description does not align with your work, ask to rewrite it. Set specific goals and objectives that align with the overall goals of your team or organisation. Understanding your role and goals can help you take ownership of your work and make decisions independently.

SMART objectives and goal-setting template for Assistants

Objective and Goal Setting Bundle

Ace your next preview with this fantastic bundle of SMART objectives and goal-setting templates.

CV template for Assistants

CV Template for Assistants

Use this template to craft the perfect resume for your Assistant job search. 

Take initiative and be proactive

Don’t wait for instructions or assignments to come to you. Take the initiative to identify areas where you can add value and contribute to your team’s success. Look for opportunities to take on new tasks or projects, and proactively offer your skills to your Executive and orgainsation. Taking initiative shows that you are proactive and can work independently, which can help you build autonomy in your work.

Communicate your achievements

It’s important to communicate your achievements to your Executive. Don’t be shy about sharing your successes, whether completing a project ahead of schedule, improving a process, or receiving positive feedback from a client or colleague. When you communicate your achievements, be specific about the impact of your work and how it aligns with the team’s overall goals or organisation. This will show why you are taking credit for your contributions and showcasing your skills and abilities.

Document your work

Keeping a record of your work and accomplishments can be beneficial when it comes to taking credit for your achievements. Create a system to track your tasks, projects, and results. Keep a portfolio of your work, including examples of reports, presentations, or other deliverables that highlight your skills and contributions. Concrete evidence of your work can be helpful when discussing your achievements during performance reviews or seeking recognition for your contributions.

Assistants are often told when it comes to pay reviews and recognition, they don’t impact the bottom line or are not fee-earning staff members.If you document the impact your work has on the bottom line of the business or how your work supports those who are fee-earners, it debunks this stereotype.

Advocate for yourself

It’s important to advocate for yourself and promote your work. Don’t assume that others, including your Executive, will notice your achievements. Take the opportunity to speak up and share your accomplishments with your Executive, colleagues, or other decision-makers in your organisation. Be confident in presenting your work and your value to the team. Remember that taking credit for your achievements is not bragging but rather showcasing your capabilities and contributions.

Seek feedback and learn from it

Receiving feedback is essential to improve your work and growing professionally as an Assistant. Seek feedback from your Executive, colleagues, or other stakeholders on your performance and contributions. Listen actively to their feedback and take it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Incorporate feedback into your work to continually enhance your performance and demonstrate your commitment to excellence.

Develop new skills and knowledge

Continuous learning and development are critical for creating autonomy in your work. Stay updated with industry trends, best practices, and new technologies relevant to your role. Seek opportunities to develop new skills or knowledge through training programs, workshops, or online courses. Expanding your skills and knowledge can help you take on more responsibilities, contribute to more projects, and demonstrate your expertise.

Taking the initiative to develop strong relationships with colleagues and acknowledging your own accomplishments can be hugely beneficial in helping you take charge of your career. Moreover, it is important to remember that seeking professional feedback can help you gain better insight into how to reach the next level. By taking these steps, you can create a solid foundation for future success as an Assistant. If you want to explore these strategies deeper and take your career aspirations to the next level, why not enrol on our Advanced Assistant Online Course? Our course will help you become the best version of yourself and position yourself at the top of your field.